With winter now officially here, you may be wondering how you can save money while keeping warm. A lot of people struggle to afford the rising energy bills and they have to resort to putting extra clothes on rather than turning on the heating.
If this sounds like you, the good news is there are a few simple tips that can help you to stay warm without it breaking the bank. What’s more, they are also good for the environment too.
Only heat the rooms you use
The two rooms you need to focus on keeping warm in winter time are the bedroom and the living room. You can switch all of the other heaters off. This can save quite a lot of money on your energy bills but it is something many people don’t typically think of doing.
It may be cold as you walk out of the living room but the majority of the time you’ll be snug and warm. Using fewer radiators in the home is great for the environment as well as your wallet.
Invest in insulation
Newer homes, such as the retirement properties from McCarthy and Stone, tend to come with insulation already installed. However, it is always worth checking.
The initial cost of insulation can be pretty high but the good news is that thousands of homes are eligible for free insulation under the ECO scheme. If you are elderly or you are receiving certain benefits you could be entitled to free loft or cavity wall insulation so it’s worth investigating.
Not only will they stop heat from escaping but insulation can also have huge cost saving benefits; particularly if you own or rent a large home. Furthermore, insulation can be cost saving in terms of pest control. Mice and other rodents struggle to get through well-fitted insulation. Therefore, companies that offer pest control belleville way, or wherever your home might be, have fewer calls regarding rodent infestation in well-insulated homes compared to those who have bad insulation. Not only are you saving money, you’re saving yourself from a lot of nuisance and stress that comes as a result of unwanted rodent visitors.
Keep doors open
This is likely one tip you didn’t expect to see on the list! Surely keeping the doors open will make it colder? Well if you left your front door open then it would, but certain rooms provide more heat than others.
When you’re having a bath or shower for example, leave the door open and the steam will travel through the rest of the home, keeping it warm.
These are just some of the tips you can follow to keep warm this winter. You don’t have to suffer with the cold no matter how low your budget is and there is always something you can do to lower your energy bills and help the environment at the same time.