We’re just an ordinary couple from the ordinary town of Warrington, in the UK, worried about the fate of the planet, of mankind’s very existence, and who feel that with great power comes great responsibility…
OK, enough of that crap!

We’re not superheroes, and we’re not trying to take the moral high road or anything like that. We’re just Steve and Becky, an ordinary couple in our late 20s, who have seen maybe one too many of those adverts and campaigns about saving the planet, going green, reducing, reusing and recycling, and all that jazz, and whose guilt, consequently, has driven them into a mission to make their household as eco-friendly as possible.

Becky is an English teacher with a passion for Disney, reading (goes with the job), cycling and kayaking. Steve is an accountant, and is passionate about Becky. Oh, and Costa coffee, Liverpool FC, mountain biking and origami.

We’ve created this blog with the idea of exploring how cheap and easy it is – if it’s cheap and easy at all – to turn your home green.
And with the addition of our eco-friendly changes, we’ve also added a little person to our household: Phoebe-Rae!
Phoebe-Rae is very cute; we’re definitely going to keep her. She likes watching snails, eating grape mush and being thrown around – in the fun way. It’s a little early to tell her views on recycling, organic food and carbon emissions, but as soon as she can communicate verbally, I’ll let you know where she stands on the green issue.

Finally, as well as our eco-friendly household, we’re also going to blog about any fun, environmentally-friendly activities we try as a couple and as a new little family.
If anyone has any tips for making a home truly environmentally friendly, or has any questions about any of the posts on out blogs, please feel free to get in touch!
All the best,
Steve and Becky