When partaking in eco-friendly projects, it is very important to have proper documentation, so that everyone will be able to see what is going on. Furthermore, you could end up being an inspiration for others, and help them to start improving their lives as well.
Looking for ideas
If it is possible to search for pictures online, not only you, then others will be able to find good sources for how to go about their newest project, and also to draw a parallel. Though it is a good idea to use pictures for sources, it is not always the best of ideas to just bluntly take similar ideas. However, if you improve on an already existing idea, and keep it well documented, you can show the original creators how their idea has evolved.
You are telling a story
Using photography to tell the story of what you are doing is a great way to introduce your ideas and to show people that you mean business. Just remember to take plenty of pictures, and to make sure that they are of good quality, otherwise nothing will be clear. Bear in mind that a picture tells a thousand words, and that with images you can have a powerful influence on people.
Have a lead in
Before you show the results of your projects, you will need to have some kind of an intro to what is going on. Without good establishing shots, it will be hard to make sure that anyone will understand what you are working on. Though, remember to include everyone who has helped out, and what you have used to work with. On the other hand, it will be a great intro into how the story has begun and why you want to help with a project.
Having proof
Nowadays it is very important to have some form of proof of what you are working on, especially when you are dealing with eco-friendly battles. Not only to raise awareness, but also to show others what they can do in order to help out. Remember that even though pictures are a powerful means of transferring a message, you should not abuse its power.
Gather at one place to exchange info
Even when you have a lot of pictures to work with, it is important that you can have a place where all of it can be uploaded and that other photographers can discuss how to make even better shots. Over at EyeEm, you will be able to view a plethora of photographers and their work as well, and it could serve as inspiration to others to set some eco projects in motion.
Helping at making projects popular
To raise awareness in general, you will have a lot of things to consider, but without having proof to back up what you are doing, you will not have a lot of support. Moreover, pictures are a great way not only to document what has been done, but to present in great detail how it can be used for others to work on the idea as well. By taking pictures at your next eco project, you are not just making sure that you are documenting, but you are actually shaping your ideas into something more tangible.