Exciting Ways to Make Your Move More Eco-Friendly

There’s so much involved in moving house that it can be overwhelming. But if you can, you need to spare a thought for the environment. Take these steps to make your move as green as possible.


Perhaps the easiest and most accessible form of eco-friendly moving is recycling. When you’re having a clear out and getting rid of your stuff make sure you’re not just tossing it away. Of course, you are going to find things that no one would want to take out of a charity bin. In these cases, moving house might require the hire of a dumpster truck close to your location – such as castle rock dumpster rental and many more. Instead, you need to think carefully about recycling things. Donate old clothes and toys to charity. Pop any old paperwork into the recycling bin. Try to stay as green as possible.


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Move on a Weekday

When it comes to the move itself, a great idea would be to move on a weekday. There are several advantages to this. For a start, it’s going to make it much easier, more efficient and less stressful for you. But also, you need to understand that during the week the roads will be less busy. This means less traffic and less petrol. You won’t be stuck in traffic for ages like you would be on a weekend. So this will cut down on your carbon footprint. You need to be conscious of looking after Mother Earth. And this is a great way of doing that.

Decide on a Location

It might not occur to you but the location is extremely important in an eco-friendly move. Why you may ask? Well, you want to choose a location that allows you to be as eco-friendly as possible and finding somewhere away from the city is the best option for that. There are so many more amenities available nowadays such as rural internet providers that can easily connect homes located in much more remote areas with the use of satellite broadband. It is also great for the environment if you minimise the use of cars or public transport. So, there really isn’t any excuse as to why you can’t live in the countryside anymore as you can even get a hold of a bike to use as transport. If you think you’re now ready to decide on somewhere to live, you can visit Taylorsestateagents.co.uk/toletoffice/biggleswade/1846/ and have a look at the properties they have. Try to pick somewhere that will allow you to be as environmentally conscious as possible. However, if you’re looking to move into your dream home, it might be worth looking for real estate agents that sell luxury real estate in Las Vegas! That would be an amazing area to live.

Embrace Greener Living

You’ve got to make sure you embrace greener living when you move. And the way you can do this is by selecting the place carefully. Try to select a home that already has solar panels installed. If you can’t then make sure the home is compatible with solar panels. Then you need to get some installed immediately. You also want to choose somewhere with a decent garden space. This will allow you the opportunity to start a vegetable garden and grow your own produce. There are so many other things you can do in the garden, such as get a water tank installed.

Only Use One Van

The key to an eco-friendly move is to only use one van. This cuts down on the carbon emissions, and the amount of fuel used. It’s also a good incentive to keep your possessions to a minimum. We all know how easy it is to stockpile stuff we don’t need. Additionally, by looking into how tall are storage units so you can consider renting a storage unit to store everything, you can place items in storage to save both van journeys and space in your new home. This time you need to remember that you’re going to have to get it all into one vehicle. By making use of one van, it saves you having to use smaller vehicles for multiple journeys. Think about the benefit this is going to have on the environment.

When you move house, you’re going to have to take care of a lot of details. And in the stress and confusion it’s easy to forget the importance of being eco-friendly. You need to make sure you try to make the move as eco-friendly as possible. Have a look at the ideas on this post, and try to use them where you can.