Keeping up with…Your New Year’s Resolutions

What did you set for your New Year’s Resolutions? Ours are always to be kinder to the environment, use and waste less and always try and be conscious of our environmental impact. How many of you kept to your resolutions? New research suggest that 38% of Brits have already abandoned their New Year’s Resolutions. Luckily for us it’s easy to keep up with our resolutions, they are ingrained in or way of life.


The new research from leading online voucher code website My Voucher Codes suggests, many people just can’t keep up with their resolutions. They found that 38% had already abandoned their New Year’s resolutions before the end of January, whilst 34% said they were still sticking to their resolutions whilst 28% had given up on some of the resolutions they had made. They also investigated to find the most common reasons given, by people taking part in the survey, for giving up.

  1. No motivation – 38%
  2. No time – 25%
  3. Too hard – 17%
  4. Outside influences – 15%
  5. Too expensive – 10%

The key information from this study is that many people, just don’t have the motivation to stick to their resolutions, I’d hazard a guess, most of the resolutions made, were not something that those taking part in the survey, really wanted to make. Passion is key to sticking with anything, if you don’t have the passion and the drive, you will struggle to stick to the goals you set. The research also showed the most common resolutions made:

  1. Lose weight
  2. Stop smoking
  3. Eat healthier
  4. More family time
  5. Go to the gym

It seems most people make resolutions which only effect themselves, generally centring on health and fitness. The only one which involves others, is to make more time for family. Resolutions are a great opportunity to not only make yourself better, but have a positive effect on those around you and your environment.

It’s a shame that many people can’t stick to them. It can be easy to preach about good intentions, but sometimes, sticking to resolutions involve a complete lifestyle and mind-set change, which can be daunting for anyone. We would recommend starting anything like this with baby steps. We didn’t become green overnight, it took lots of steps to make the positive change. If you do too much at once it can become over whelming and make you more likely to give up at the first hurdle.

The advice given by Mark Pearson founder of MyVoucherCodes who conducted the study, describes it best:

“There is a lot of pressure stating a new year with resolutions to stick to, not to mention the cost of some of these resolutions at a time of year when money can be tight. It might be worth considering  looking at making goals to aim for throughout the year, so you don’t have to start working on the ‘new you’ right after the hectic festive season. Give yourself time to get organised and ease into changes rather than throwing yourself in at the deep end.”

So will this make you think twice about what New Year’s resolutions you will set?